Our Developments

Building Cambridgeshire's Future

Since 2016, this Land, wholly owned by Cambridgeshire County Council, has been working with partners and landowners to build the housing that Cambridgeshire needs. With over 33,000 homes required before 2031, we have an important role to play in ensuring this need is met.

Our Developments

Our portfolio of developments spans a variety of locations in both central and rural Cambridgeshire. We go beyond just building houses; we develop high-quality, sustainable sites that benefit local communities.

We are proud to work with local suppliers, where possible, and create jobs to ensure our developments bring economic benefits.

Our Developments

Our portfolio of developments spans a variety of locations in both central and rural Cambridgeshire. We go beyond just building houses; we develop high-quality, sustainable sites that benefit local communities.

We are proud to work with local suppliers, where possible, and create jobs to ensure our developments bring economic benefits.

Play areas
Community centres
Wildflower meadows

Click on a pin to learn more about the development

Why this Land?

With vast experience of securing planning consent on strategic sites, long-standing relationships with local stakeholders and a deep understanding of local planning agendas, we can optimise your planning permission.

Contact us to find out the options for your land

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